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Writer's picturelouisegoulttextiles

Creative Connections - being creative with others

Being creative alongside others can offer a huge wealth of benefits; not just artistic ones. Meeting and connecting with other like minded people in a creative environment is a fantastic way to boost well-being, self-esteem and you never know you may meet a new group of friends. I have seen this happen so many times in workshops - people arrive as strangers and leave feeling as though they have known each other for years.

In person workshops are particularly good for making these connections, although if this is not possible online workshops also enable creative connectivity. Workshops are full of inspiration, creative energy and the chance to ignite new ideas.

The benefits of workshops do extend beyond just artistic growth. Engaging with others in a creative setting can significantly boost mental health. The creative process releases endorphins which naturally boost positivity, combined with being with like minded people can really add to a feeling of belonging. Attending workshops can alleviate isolation and anxiety.

Being part of an in person workshop also offers the opportunity to learn from others and share your skills. Very often a fresh pair of eyes on your work or an off the cuff comment from another participant can spark inspiration and a new and valuable direction for artwork.

It can be a daunting feeling to go into a workshop room where you don't know anybody at all. Taking that step is a huge thing for many people. Most art tutors do appreciate this and will help you to overcome this, for example by meeting you at the door and walking into the room with you or introducing you to other participants who they already know. I'm always happy to do this with those who haven't come to a workshop venue before.

In short, being creative alongside others not only enhances artistic skills, but also nurtures creative confidence, mental health and enables valuable human connections to be made. Why not book a place on a workshop and see who you meet?

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